Amplifying Your Expertise with AI

Use AI to scale up your own knowledge and share it with others in a variety of forms. Focus on the knowledge, not the content.

Welcome to Day 4 of our journey to unlock your creative potential!

Today’s Focus: Amplifying Your Expertise with AI

Hook your brain into the AI to replicate your thoughts, not those of others

Key Takeaways:

  • Analyze your work to extract key principles
  • Use these principles to train AI models
  • Create frameworks for generating initial ideas
  • Focus your energy on refining AI-generated output

Most people want to use AI to generate stuff. Personally, I find it really helpful with analyzing stuff, including the things I want to re-create. As an example, I've been working with a cofounder on a couple of products that are geared toward helping founders and investors during the investment process. As part of that, my cofounder has been writing a lot of blogs. He asked if he could easily convert blog posts to multiple LinkedIn posts. Sure, I could have just dropped a blog post in to Claude or ChatGPT and asked it to write LinkedIn posts, but instead, I took three of his previous posts on LinkedIn and, for each one, asked Claude to analyze the post and extract the structure, format, style, and tone of the post. Then I took the results of all three, and dropped it into Claude again, this time asking for a combined analysis. Finally, I took that output and fed it and the sample blog post into Claude, asking it to write 3 LinkedIn posts in the given format based on the blog post. The result was much higher quality than the initial output, and it felt more like my cofounder. It took the ideas he had written about and converted them into the style he had developed over the years. Suddenly, he doesn't have posts that sound like everyone else using AI to write their LinkedIn posts, instead, he's taking the information that he has deemed important, and the style he's figured out while using LinkedIn for years, and he's able to get the same results in 30 seconds that he used to take an hour or two on.

That's the power of AI. Use it to do the things you've learned how to do, and just amplify your ability to share that expertise at a scale and speed you previously weren't able to.

​Here's an example of a blog post I wrote from one of my Youtube Videos​

Did You Know?

​AI can be used to create personalized taste profiles. Researchers have developed an "electronic tongue" that mimics human taste receptors, which can potentially be used to curate personalized diets and meal plans. This technology could even surpass human experts, such as trained wine tasters, by using advanced AI systems to distinguish subtle differences in flavors and create optimal food pairings​​

Action Step:

Choose one area of your expertise and list 10 key principles or guidelines you follow. Consider how these could be used to create an AI-powered tool.

Share Your Principles

Quote of the Day:

Taste is expertise, knowledge, and experience that is hidden in your work. Use AI to help you extract that taste and use it at scale

Next Lesson: Discover how to embrace uncertainty and build powerful partnerships!