Breaking the Mold: Innovative Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Note: This blog post is an output from the experimental Idea Collider. I took two of my videos from YouTube and asked the collider to combine them into business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs. The result is fully generated.

Note: This blog post is an output from the experimental Idea Collider. I took two of my videos from YouTube and asked the collider to combine them into business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs. The result is fully generated.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Welcome back to the Idea Supply Chain, where we delve into the origins of ideas and explore what makes them valuable. Today, we're merging insights from two distinct conversations to create a roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break into the business world with innovative strategies.

The Broken Job Hunt System: An Opportunity for Innovation

In a recent discussion about job hunting, a glaring issue came to light: the current system is fundamentally flawed. Companies are using highly compressed information like resumes and cover letters to sift through an overwhelming number of candidates. This approach often fails to identify the best talent, as it overlooks the broader spectrum of a candidate's skills and potential.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, this presents a unique opportunity. Instead of following the traditional path, consider how you can create a business that disrupts this broken system. Imagine a platform that allows job seekers to showcase their skills through practical, real-world projects rather than static resumes. This could be a game-changer for both job seekers and employers, providing a more dynamic and accurate representation of a candidate's abilities.

ScoreMyDeck: A Model for Success

Let's pivot to a successful example of innovative thinking: This platform offers founders detailed, actionable advice on their pitch decks, effectively simulating the feedback of a seasoned venture capitalist. By leveraging artificial intelligence, ScoreMyDeck provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their pitch, helps them write effective cold emails, and even assists in finding investors.

What makes ScoreMyDeck stand out is its user-centric approach. The platform was built based on extensive feedback from early users, ensuring it meets the real needs of its target audience. This iterative development process is something every aspiring entrepreneur should take note of. Listen to your users, adapt, and refine your product to create something truly valuable.

Combining Insights: A New Business Idea

So, how can you, as an aspiring entrepreneur, combine these insights to create a groundbreaking business idea? Here’s a thought: develop a platform that bridges the gap between job seekers and employers through project-based portfolios. This platform would allow candidates to complete real-world tasks relevant to the jobs they’re applying for, showcasing their skills in a practical, impactful way.

Here’s how it could work:

  1. Project-Based Applications: Instead of submitting a resume, candidates complete a project that demonstrates their skills. For example, a developer might build a small application using the company's API, or a marketer might create a mini-campaign to generate leads.
  2. AI-Powered Feedback: Similar to ScoreMyDeck, the platform could use AI to provide detailed feedback on these projects, helping candidates improve and better tailor their submissions.
  3. Direct Employer Interaction: Employers can review these projects directly, gaining a much clearer understanding of a candidate’s abilities and fit for the role. This also allows for more meaningful interactions between candidates and hiring managers.
  4. Consulting and Freelancing Opportunities: The platform could also facilitate consulting and freelancing gigs, allowing candidates to work on short-term projects for companies. This not only provides immediate value to the companies but also helps candidates build their portfolios and gain experience.

Why This Idea Works

  • Addresses a Real Problem: The current job application process is inefficient and often ineffective. A project-based approach provides a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s skills and potential.
  • User-Centric: By focusing on real-world projects, the platform offers tangible value to both job seekers and employers.
  • Scalable: With AI-powered feedback and automation, the platform can scale to accommodate a large number of users without compromising on quality.
  • Flexible: This model can be adapted to various industries and roles, making it a versatile solution.


In a world where traditional systems are often broken, thinking outside the box is not just an option—it’s a necessity. By combining insights from the flawed job application process and the success of user-centric platforms like ScoreMyDeck, aspiring entrepreneurs can create innovative solutions that provide real value.

So, take a step back, look at the problems that exist today, and think about how you can solve them in new and creative ways. The business world is ripe for disruption, and with the right approach, you can be at the forefront of that change.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Idea Supply Chain. We hope you found these insights valuable and inspiring. Stay tuned for more discussions on where ideas come from and what makes them valuable. Until next time, keep thinking outside the box and turning those innovative ideas into reality.