What Do You Want To Learn More About?

A new experiment in how we can think about funding creators: not about product, abut what comes next. Creators as a bit of a choose your own adventure

One of the challenges with ideas is that it's hard to know where to go from here. You've gotten your idea to this level, but how do you take it to the next?

Here's my biggest problem: I want to balance creating content with designing experiments, building products, and just living my life. I enjoy making content, but it's hard to know what people actually want.  I don't like the typical idea of just posting a bit at a time to nobody for a long time and then eventually looking at analytics to see the trends after the fact.

Instead, I want to talk to the audience that I currently have and prioritize them. This showcases how the models that developed under traditional economic models miss the mark by shooting top down. They expect a lot of data and then learn what to do from that. This is a huge disadvantage in a rapidly changing world. Instead, we want to collect as much data as possible to inform our next moves.

To model this, I'm running an experiment. I've come up with a couple of topics that I believe might be interesting. I've set up a pay what you want link with a couple of fields.

I don't have the time to build out a full cohort course or completely do everything I want to create different formats. I've got a podcast in the works, but I want to get people to help me with it. Same with my YouTube channel. I'd also like to write a book. But I want to attract people to help who agree to these ideas. I want to create a "Yes, and" ecosystem of content. So I'll be publishing periodic summaries of the data I've collected. If people see there is a demand for content of a certain format and they can help put the ideas in that format, we can work together.

Based on the money/responses, I'll decide what to do next. I'll let the community decide what level of resources I have to deploy on different efforts. A lot of times, I'll be able to write quick posts that clarify a bit more about something. Questions and feedback on the ideas I'm presenting are the most valuable thing for me right now. I need to be able to see how ideas are received to see where the gaps are in my communication.

Finally, anybody who votes on what they want to see next will get any products that come out of that for free. Here's the Quantum Economics behind this model.

Prices are highly compressed data about what people value and the economy(-ies) they operate in. I don't think charging everyone the same amount when not everyone operates in the same economies. And all prices are currently wrong. So I need to break pricing down into more information-dense packets, based on what can drive the relationship forward. I've already done the work of studying, researching, and developing my skills, so I'm not looking to be paid for what I've done. I'm looking to tie my earnings to the amount of value I create in the world, so it doesn't actually matter what I earn now. It's all about what I create later for the world. But I need feedback on what people want to learn about, so this model gives me an understanding of what's valuable, to whom, and why. And I can calibrate that against the audience info that they are interested in providing. It turns the creator and the audience into a fully symbiotic system, because we align our incentives. I don't want you to buy a product from me, I want you to guide my product development and help me attract others that can make it the highest possible quality. I can do everything, but I can't do everything well, and frankly, I'm tired of doing everything. I want to start bringing others in to help, and this will facilitate that.

Here are the topics I came up with to start.

Hacking Capitalism - Exploiting Exploitative Systems Using Quantum Economic Principles

Quantum Economics For Creators: How To Price Yourself In a Rapidly Changing AI-Powered World

Quantum Economics For Existing Businesses: How To Adapt Your Business For A Rapidly Changing World

To vote on a topic, put in the desired amount you'd like to pay, hit "Buy", and it will take you to a stripe page that will ask which topic you'd like to vote for, why you think it would be helpful for you, and what format you'd prefer to get it in.