YouTube Videos To Blog Post Examples

Example 1 - Unlocking Human Potential: The World's Most Undervalued Asset

Identified target audience

The primary target audience for this YouTube video is individuals seeking personal and professional growth, particularly those interested in unconventional approaches to work, productivity, and career development. This includes:

- Professionals who feel undervalued or underutilized in their current job roles.

- Potential entrepreneurs and creators who want to leverage their skills and interests in a more fulfilling way.

- Individuals interested in personal development, coaching, and strategies for achieving greater autonomy in their work lives.

Blog Post For Original Audience

Unlock Your True Potential: Embrace Abundance for Personal and Professional Growth
Repurposed Youtube content from video “Unlocking Human Potential: The World’s Most Undervalued Asset” for the original audience

Blog Post For HR Professionals

Rethinking HR: Why Employees are Your Most Undervalued Asset and How to Change That
Repurposed Youtube video: “Unlocking Human Potential: The World’s Most Undervalued Asset” to focus on the concepts for HR Professionals.

Blog Post For Government Officials and Policy Makers

Valuing People as Assets: A New Paradigm for Policy Makers
Converting information from the Youtube video “Unlocking Human Potential: The World’s Most Undervalued Asset” to focus on Policy Makers and Government officials

Example 2: Kampfringen in 2 Minutes | Just The Basics

Identified target audience

The primary target audience for this YouTube video includes enthusiasts of:

- Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA)

- History, particularly focusing on medieval Europe

- Martial arts, combat sports, and self-defense practitioners

- Reenactors and members of historical societies

- Fans of knighthood and medieval warfare

Blog Post For Original Audience

Unlocking the Secrets of Medieval Grappling: The Art of Kampfringen
Unlocking the Secrets of Medieval Grappling: The Art of Kampfringen

Blog Post For Gaming and Entertainment Industry Professionals

Kampfringen: Reviving Medieval Combat Grappling for Modern Entertainment
Kampfringen: Reviving Medieval Combat Grappling for Modern Entertainment

Blog Post For Medieval and Fantasy Literature Fans

The Resurgence of Kampfringen: Reviving Medieval Combat Grappling for Enthusiasts of Fantasy and Historical Lore
The Resurgence of Kampfringen: Reviving Medieval Combat Grappling for Enthusiasts of Fantasy and Historical Lore